Way 1 : Add the following code in wp-config file of WordPress.
Navigate to the wp-config file of your wordpress installation (You need server access or FTP access of your hosting/server)
add the below code before the line which says “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */” in wp-config file
define( 'UPLOADS', '/wp-content/uploads' );
Save the file and that’s it. check image below
Way 2 : Advance way, by using PHP admin to fix “Your upload path is not valid” error
Login in server/hosting of your WordPress installation.
Go to phpmyadmin and select the database of your wordpress installation
Search for wp_option table (prefix “wp” can be different, depending upon your installation) or just search option table.
Look for “Upload_path” row in same table and edit it by clicking on edit option.
Add the “/wp-content/uploads” in box like the image below:
So these are two quick ways to fix “Your upload path is not valid or does not exist” error in WordPress. Let us know if you have any question or query regarding same.