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While you are planning a vacation trip to Nagaland, you would have a doubt such as where is Nagaland? You can easily find its location through a map that would offer a lot of details such as the location, the details of the population such as their occupation, literacy, etc. Nagaland is the Indian state situated in the northeastern region part of the country.

The Nagaland location map in India shows that it is surrounded by the states of Assam, Myanmar, and Manipur to the west, east and south respectively. The location of Nagaland is covered over an area of 16,579 square kilometers. The location map of Nagaland shows that it lies between 98’96’ east longitude and 26.6′ to 27.4′ north latitude of the equator.

The Nagaland location map has a large number of mountains and hills. The rivers which flow to the north are the Diphu and Doyang Rivers while Barak River and Chindwin River flow towards southwest and southeast direction respectively. The map would also offer information such that twenty percent of the total land of the state is covered under sub-tropical and evergreen tropical forests with a rich variety of flora and fauna that is a treat to watch and admire.

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